Monday, December 21, 2009

Cape Town is white

Life in  Cape Town is like Johannesburg on weed. Everybody walks slower, thinks slower and just generally enjoys life. It is like the whole of Jo'burg just got stoned.
I do not believe our bodies were designed for the rat race. I wonder how many more heart attacks and diseases per capita exist in Johannesburg. There is certainly more tension on the roads. There is more tension in a normal interaction at the supermarket. Shop Assistants aren't as friendly in Johannesburg.

 In Cape Town people do not sit on your tail, they are patient on the road and shop assistants are friendly.

In Johannesburg racial tension is rife.I think that explains a lot about why shop assistants are less friendly and why everyday living is harder.

Cape Coloureds and Whites get on a whole lot better here.The anger and hatred so palpable in Jo'burg is not evident here. I guess its below the surface. As suburbs are still white, coloured or black people are still separated. So the physical distance between people means there is a lot of distance and the racial tension is separated.

The Shopping Centres are fulled with predominantly white customers and black people stick out uncomfortably. It does feel like a white colony here. Cape Town is not as integrated. I wonder how  the black shoppers feel. Cavendish yesterday did have that "black people are here as cleaners and shop assistants" feel.

Yet black shoppers are plentiful in the shops opposite and next to Cavendish. It is just that they don't go inside. I wonder why...